Drugs Sometimes are NOT “just” Pharmaceutical

When we talk about the topic of drugs, we sure are not for it. As a society, there is a collective hate. The law is also clear about discouraging the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. Recently, there has been much noise about the usage of these drugs,… This content is for Premium Subcribers only.Join...

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Sound Marks

When the topic of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) comes up, a new spectrum emerges now and then. IPR is one of the fastest-growing fields of law in recent times. There is a scope for dynamic advancements in all branches of IPR…. This content is for Premium Subcribers only.Join Premium MembershipAlready a member? Log in here...

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Digital Competition Bill, 2024

There has been a lot of noise around the topic of digital growth recently. It is both positive and negative. The digital developments, such as the growth of AI, are beneficial to a large sector to a large extent. There are also equal threats associated with digital growth, such as the increase in cybercrimes,… This...

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The Alimony Debate: Insights from India’s Legal System

Marriage is considered to be a sacred union for generations in India. It is quite a big deal and is considered one of the most critical events in one’s life. In a country like India, which is so diverse, there are many customs regarding marriage. Every religion has a different tradition, and even within every […]

Appointment and Removal of Arbitrator

Arbitration is a technique for resolving disputes legally. The parties in a conflict are referred to as neutral parties to conclude, and when a judgement is reached, it’s called an arbitral award. It is a very effective method of alternative dispute resolution. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 governs arbitration in India. The Act […]

Minimum Pay for Junior Advocates

It has been known for decades that junior advocates, in most scenarios, don’t get paid at all, or if they do, it’s the bare minimum…. This content is for Premium Subcribers only.Join Premium MembershipAlready a member? Log in here...

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Green Credit Program

The Green Credit Program is a market-based program designed to pay individuals, industries and other local bodies for voluntary environmental actions across various sectors…. This content is for Premium Subcribers only.Join Premium MembershipAlready a member? Log in here...

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The legal implication of moonlighting

Moonlighting refers to when a person takes up a job while they are already working a full-time job for an organisation. The employee does this to attain additional income. Is this wrong? Well, it depends on each organisation…. This content is for Premium Subcribers only.Join Premium MembershipAlready a member? Log in here...

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