Gig Workers v. “Regular” Full time Employees

We have all seen labourers working different jobs with different bosses regularly. Workers who work temporarily outside the scope of an employer-employee relationship are known as gig workers…. This content is for Premium Subcribers only.Join Premium MembershipAlready a member? Log in here...

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Employee Intervention or Workplace Intervention

A workplace has to be healthy. A safe and positive workplace increases the productivity of the employee and boosts organisational development as well. There are up to 900 million working people in India (2021),… This content is for Premium Subcribers only.Join Premium MembershipAlready a member? Log in here...

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Can a Member of Parliament be fired just like that? – Jaya Bachchan v. UoI

Becoming a Member of the Parliament comes with many rules and even more responsibilities. Only some people can or should be allowed to be appointed as a Member of Parliament. It requires specific qualifications to hold the office of the Member of Parliament… This content is for Premium Subcribers only.Join Premium MembershipAlready a member? Log...

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Cryptocurrency Laws

We have heard a lot about digital currencies such as Bitcoins and Altcoins. What does the law have to say about them? Cryptocurrency is sold mainly because of the idea of no double spending and because it cannot be counterfeited. It was first created by a programmer, Wei Dai, in 1998. But it needed a […]

Dishonoured Cheque when not a criminal offence

We all know that dishonour of cheques is a criminal offence as given under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act of 1881. Section 138 of the NI Act states that “where any cheque drawn by a person on an account maintained by him with a banker for payment of any amount of money to […]

National Food Security Act

India, according to many Western countries, has always been addressed as a poor country. As seen in Western media for the longest time, India suffers from severe poverty, and children lack proper nutrients. But is it really true? To an extent, India still suffers from poverty, and there are still people who cannot afford a […]

Laws Surrounding Cars

Deceptive similar package of Parle’s Fab!o resembling the well-known Oreo pack indicates an intention to mislead consumers into believing a connection between the two products is discussed.