The Alimony Debate: Insights from India’s Legal System

Marriage is considered to be a sacred union for generations in India. It is quite a big deal and is considered one of the most critical events in one’s life. In a country like India, which is so diverse, there are many customs regarding marriage. Every religion has a different tradition, and even within every […]

Appointment and Removal of Arbitrator

Arbitration is a technique for resolving disputes legally. The parties in a conflict are referred to as neutral parties to conclude, and when a judgement is reached, it’s called an arbitral award. It is a very effective method of alternative dispute resolution. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act of 1996 governs arbitration in India. The Act […]

The Supreme Court’s Guidelines on preventing mob lynching

Tehseen S. Poonawalla vs Union of India, WRIT PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 754 OF 2016, (2018) SCC OnLine SC 696 [1]. Background: In this case, the petitioner, a social activist, had preferred a writ petition under Article 32 of the Constitution for commanding the respondent State Nos. 3 to 8 to take immediate and necessary action […]

Article 21 In The Afterlife: Rights To Dignity Of The Deceased

The right to life under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution, which guarantees the right to life and personal liberty, encompasses many aspects of a person’s life. Through an evolution of judgments by the Constitutional Courts, the provision has been interpreted and expanded to include the right to health[1], privacy[2], livelihood[3] and a plethora of […]

The Curious Case Of Proving Criminal Conspiracy Under IPC

The expression’ conspiracy’ means the joining of at least two individuals who are fully intended to commit a crime. This happens when two of the individuals consent to accomplish something that is unlawful under the law. ‘Unlawful’ is defined under Section 43 of the IPC as anything that is an offence, prohibited by law, or […]

Media And Globalisation

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Media is considered as one of the four pillars of democracy. Furthermore, it plays a vital role in shaping society’s opinion and can change how people perceive different events. It has a crucial influence on the minds of the people at large. Media must raise critical issues, but drawing a line for themselves is also […]

Development Of AI In India

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The widespread use of technology in the modern digital era has completely changed how we communicate, work, and live. AI is one of the most innovative technologies of all. It has the potential to change several professions and industries drastically. However, as AI develops further, a plethora of possibilities and challenges arise, especially in the […]

Amendment Of Pleadings

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Interlocutory Application can be filed under Order 6 Rule 17 of the Civil Procedure Code,1908 (CPC, 1908) to amend or alter the pleadings at any stage of the case proceedings. The amendment or alteration should be directly related to the subject material of the dispute between the parties if it does not cause injustice to […]